Notes for Contributors

Notes for Contributors

Modified on 21 April 2024

1) Nilo-Ethiopian Studies (NES) publishes “Articles” (original works which present research findings), “Research reports” (short reports on new facts and methodologies, interim reports, etc. acquired through research), “Commentaries” (explanatory discussions on particular topics, critiques on the published papers, etc.) and “Book reviews” (introductory and/or critical reviews of books) in English on all aspects of studies on Northeast Africa and its surrounding areas. In principle, contributors should be members of the Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies who have already paid the annual membership fee.

2) Contributors are requested to clarify in the note the relationship and difference of the current manuscript with their already published or to-be-published manuscript(s) if it includes related content. The validity of the contributors’ claim is judged by the Editorial Board. If it is written to different readership (e.g., in a different language) from the one(s) already published or to be published, it will be considered as a Secondary Publication and will not be treated as a Duplicate Submission.

3) Contributors are requested to write as concisely as possible. Contributions in each category, including notes, tables, figures and reference list, should not normally exceed the following numbers of printed pages:

Article ………… 20 printed pages

Research report … 15 printed pages

Commentary….. 4 printed pages

Book review …… 2 printed pages

(One printed page contains approximately 530 words)

The Editorial Board reserves the right to charge authors for the cost of any pages in excess of the above, at a rate of \10,000 for each printed in excess. Papers which greatly exceed the above may be rejected by the Editorial Board.

4) Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced on one side of A4-sized paper (ca. 21 × 30 cm) with proper margins, whose top, bottom and both sides must be at 1 inch or 3 cm. Contributors are encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically via e-mail as attached documents in a zipped (compressed) folder Microsoft Word files to the Editorial Board (niloethiopianstudies[at] Before submitting manuscripts, contributors are recommended to consult the Editorial Board in advance. They will be asked to send out the manuscripts for proofreading, the cost of which will be covered by the Association when the manuscripts are allowed for publication. In order to avoid character corruption, the manuscript can be sent as a PDF file in addition to a Microsoft Word file.

5) Each manuscript submitted to the Editorial Board will be reviewed by at least two noted scholars in its discipline either within or outside of Editorial Board. According to the evaluation by such referees, the Editorial Board has the right to approve or reject it, or to ask the contributor(s) to revise it.

6) About five key words, as in the following examples, should be listed below the title and the author’s name. Contributors of articles should submit an abstract in English (about 200 words). The Editorial Board reserves the right to translate the abstract into Japanese and publish it in the Japanese newsletter of the Association.

Key words example: cognition, basic color term, pastoral society, Beja, Sudan.

7) Bibliographical references in the text should cite the author’s last name, year of publication and pages, e.g., (James 1994: 158-160) or, if the author’s name is mentioned in the text, the year and pages only, e.g., (1994: 158- 160). For Ethiopian, Arabic and other names, however, which do not have `family names’, the first name, that is, the author’s own name, should be cited, e.g., (Bahru 1991). Bibliographical entries in the references should be listed in alphabetical order of authors and present other bibliographical data as follows.

Bahru Zewde
1991 A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1974. London: James Currey.

James, W.
1994 War &’Ethnic Visibility’: The Uduk on the Sudan-Ethiopia Border. In Fukui, K. &J. Markakis (eds), Ethnicity & Conflict in the Horn of Africa. London: James Currey, pp. 140- 164.

Fukui, K. & J. Markakis (eds)
1994 Ethnicity & Conflict in the Horn of Africa. London: James Currey.

Merid Wolde Aregai
1980 A Reappraisal of the Impact of Firearms in the History of Warfare in Ethiopia (c.1500- 1800). Journal of Ethiopian Studies 14: 98-121.

8) Paragraphs must be indented to avoid possible confusion. Titles of books and foreign words (except proper names) should be italicized or underlined.

9) Notes should be submitted on separate pages. Tables, figures and other illustrations should be on separate pages, numbered and titled. Figures must be ready for publication. Authors should indicate in the text where tables, figures and other trace illustrations are to be placed.

10) Proofs of papers are principally sent to authors, who must return them before the date indicated. If proofs are not returned on time, the Editorial Board’s own proofs will be sent to the printers. Proofs are intended for checking, not re-writing, and authors are requested to avoid making alterations other than the correction of printing errors. The Editorial Board reserves the right to charge the expenses for text alterations in proofs to the author.

11)  The Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studies reserves the copyrights of all the articles, research reports, commentaries and book reviews included in the NES. The author may use the accepted version of the article, research paper, commentary or book review in the following ways, provided that he/she gives appropriate and prior notice to the Association.

  1. a) The author may share printed or electronic copies of his/her article with the colleagues.
  2. b) The author may use all or part of the article and abstract in the personal compilations or other publications of his/her own work.
  3. c) The author may use the article within his/her employer’s institution or company for educational or research purposes.
  4. d) The author may post the electronic version of the article on his/her own personal website, the employer’s website or repository or on free public servers in the author’s subject area 12 months after publication.